Terms of Service

Introduction and Overview:

This Privacy Policy ("Policy") explains how Basemaker Digital Performance Solutions Ltd. ("Basemaker", "Company" or "We"), treats your personal information (collectively, "Personal Data") when you use or access this digital platform ("Platform"). The Policy also describes your rights regarding your Personal Data and explains how to contact us to learn more about our data practices or to exercise your rights. For the purposes of this Policy, "Users" are all those who in any way use or visit the Basemaker PlatformTranslated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

This Policy explains, in a simple, straightforward and transparent manner, which Personal Data is collected and processed by Basemaker and for what purposes, as well as indicating with whom it may be shared and what resources are available to you to manage your Personal Data. We do not collect more Personal Data than is strictly necessary for the performance of our activities.

For the purposes of the treatment of Users' Personal Data under this Policy Basemaker is the controller of personal data of those who visit or register on our Platform, whether the registration is performed directly by an individual or as a representative of a legal entity, under the terms of the General Law of Protection of Personal Data - Law No. 13,709/2018 ("LGPD").


As set forth in this Policy, you may register on our Platform either as an advertiser ("Advertiser") or as a creator of digital content ("Creator"). Please read our [Terms and Conditions for Advertisers if you wish to use our Platform as an Advertiser or our [Terms and Conditions for Creators if you wish to use our Platform as a Creator]. If you do not agree to this Policy or the respective Advertiser or Creator Terms and Conditions, as applicable, please do not access or use our Platform.

Policy Changes:
Please be advised that Basemaker may amend this Policy from time to time in order to reflect changes in the processing of its Users' Personal Data. If we make changes, we will update the effective date or the date of the last modification at the top of this Policy.

If after reading this Policy, you still have any questions or, for any reason, need to communicate with us regarding matters involving your Personal Data, you can contact us at the following e-mail address:

Person in Charge of Personal Data Handling privacidade@basemaker.co

If you do not agree with the updated version of this Policy, please cease use of our Platform.

1. Who we are
Basemaker, headquartered in the City of Itajaí, State of Santa Catarina, at Rua Israel de Almeida, nº 1424, casa 01, CEP 88.312-050 and registered in the CNPJ/ME under nº 23.123.163/0001-67, is a technology platform available at https://www.basemaker. co, created and developed in order to provide an environment in which Creators have the ability to find advertising opportunities from Advertisers for their profiles and pages on social networks ("Profiles"), and Advertisers were able to run ads segments on Creators' Profiles, aiming to increase the performance of digital campaigns ("Services"). We emphasize that Advertisers will never have access to personal data or any other information of Creators' social network followers or users. No personal data is shared between Creators and Advertisers.

The Platform allows Creators to make available anonymized data about their audience's engagement and interests, such as demographic information, interests, consumption behaviors and preferences. Neither Creators nor the Platform make personal data available to Advertisers. Based on this anonymized engagement data, Advertisers can choose which audiences they want to reach and thereby create more relevant and personalized advertising campaigns, without ever accessing any user or follower data.

2. What Personal Information We Collect and Handle.
Basemaker only receives or otherwise collects the following types of information related to Users: (1) registration information, either as an Advertiser or Creator, for use of the Platform; (2) financial information; (3) information from visitors to or Users of our Platform; and (4) information for communications and support.

By deciding to proceed with your registration on our Platform, you declare that all the information provided is true, complete and current and that you are responsible for updating it as necessary.

2.1. Registration Information. When the User carries out, on its own behalf or as a representative of a legal entity, the [pre-registration and registration] on the Platform, and when you complete or change your registration on our Platform, We request some information to verify your identity and to enable the creation and maintenance of an account. The Personal Data collected in the pre-registration and registration will depend on the type of access that the User will make through the Platform: (a) as an Advertiser; or (b) as a Creator.

a) Advertiser
- Full name;
- CPF;
- ID;
- e-mail address;
- date of birth;
- telephone number;
- address;
- occupation;
- company;
- position

b) Creator
- Full name;
- CPF number;
- ID number;
- date of birth;
- copy of an ID document;
- username on social networks;
- any information about the Profile on social networks, such as number of followers, engagement percentages, among other available data;
- e-mail address
- telephone number
- address;
- profession;
- contact preferences;
- profile photo, optional; and Eventually and on an optional basis, the Creator may provide income data for profile analysis

When the Creator logs into the Platform via social networks such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, the Platform may request marketing and advertising permissions to access Profile information in accordance with the terms of use and privacy policies of each social platform/network. This information may include demographic data, such as age, gender, geographic location, interests and consumption behaviors, as well as information about the user's activities and interactions on the social network, such as likes, shares and comments.